Cate Edwards Wiki | Cate Edwards Pics
Elisabeth Catharine "Cate" Edwards was born on
4 March 1982 daughter of former
Senator John Edwards and the late
Elizabeth Edwards, a
lawyer and
author. She went
Age Root Elementary School,
Daniels Middle School and
Broughton High School, where she
graduated top of his
Cate Edwards worked actively with his father in his unsuccessful campaign for the Democratic presidential candidate. Edwards went Harvard Law School in the autumn of 2006. In the summer after his first year in law, she worked as an intern Nina Toten Berg of NPR.
Edwards was the first family member of the Democratic candidates that she was a supporter of legalized gays marriage.30. September 2007, during a campaign stop with actor James Denton, she was quoted: "I'm on my mother's side with this, not my father.